My mother-in-law bought this orchid about a year ago and gave it to my wife and I when she visited over the holidays. It's one of the just add ice orchids (I don't add ice) so it didn't come with a name. Unfortunately, it is out of bloom. It must have been really nice with the two spikes it has. One has a keiki that doesn't have any roots yet. The other is still green so I'm hoping it will re-bloom from that spike. Here's a pic:
It's the largest orchid I have, with each leaf stretching
to about a foot long. I've checked the roots and they're healthy and the plant seems to be doing well to me, though I don't have much experience with orchids. This makes the 5th orchid I have, with 2 others being miniature Phals, 1 Ascocenda, and a Beallara.
Thanks for looking,