Concern with phals in s/h
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Old 09-04-2010, 11:10 AM
Eyebabe Eyebabe is offline
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Default Concern with phals in s/h

About 8 weeks ago or more, I repotted several phals in s/h. The larger size PrimeAgra was used.
I washed the PrimeAgra and soaked in KLN 1tsp/gallon prior to potting...followed instruction to the letter
They are all in low light/east>south facing window.
All light is indirect and strongest in the morning as a tree is in front of the window and the sun is past the window by 11am.
Humidity tray type stand with seedling mats below.
Temperature is generally about 68-72 degrees and may even get to the mid 70's during the sunlight hours.
I was able to tightly pot the 6-7 largest plants, but the 4-5 smaller plants seem unsteady still in their 3 inch pots.

I have four large-6inch potted plants (two of which were doing meh prior to the repot) that are doing very well. They all have new roots growing and one threw out a couple of new spikes from previously cut spikes. It will flower in a few weeks! Should I be concerned however that no new leaf growth has occured?

I have about 4 medium sized plants in 3 and 4 inch pots. They are doing pretty much nothing. The roots are not rotting...but there is no new growth of any kind. Nothing
Two of them are quite special to me and I am
What can I do to stimulate them?

Finally, about the smaller ones. I have two small species each with one functioning root that looks stressed. The leaves are good and one is blooming.
However no new growth.
Two other small ones are probably going to be fine as there is new root and leaf growth despite the lower leaves and old roots withering.
One however, I am concerned about losing as the roots are all crap as well as the leaves despite two gorgeous spikes that are fully blooming.
Again, how can I get things moving faster?
Or am I just impatient and expecting too much too fast?

One last point, I recently got two very small(3 inch pot) of them a very expensive Phal violacea. I am quite content with their small size to leave them in the New Zealand sphag moss. They seem to love it!
Should I take the smaller phals above out of their s/h and put them into NZSphag? I know for many people Sphag doesn't work but for me it does well.
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Old 09-04-2010, 02:03 PM
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That's a very long post!.. have you got some photos? It would help & make it easier to answer.
To try and answer some of your questions..
If you have put into s/h it's normal that you should lose the roots .. new ones should grow adapted to their new medium.
I would not worry about new leaves just yet. Give the plant time to adjust.
I have a phal violacea & equestris in pots with very loose spagh. They have a layer of leca at the bottom of the pots. It's the only way I can grow them...
All my other phals are in bark mostly mixtures. I have 3 phals in s/h, one of which has flowered once. All 3 grow slowly, compared to my other plants.
Hope this helps a bit.
I'm sure you'll get plenty more feedback from other members. Good Luck!
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Old 09-04-2010, 02:17 PM
mspatt mspatt is offline
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Concern with phals in s/h Female

Hi Eyebabe, I am not an expert at S/H, but most of my plants are phals, and I plan on putting two more in S/H today. Sounds like you did everything right with your big phals. Did you know that the medium sized ones and the smaller ones should not be potted in the same size leca as the bigger ones? I think it has something to do with the size of the roots and the uptake of water and nutrients. (Not an expert here!!) And sometimes the old roots will not rot at all, so just be patient if you see nothing happening and assume your chids are getting used to the transition in their own time...(Besides, most of my phals are slowing down their growth of new roots and leaves about now.)

As for the smaller orchids in sphag, I say "If it ain't broken, don't fix it." If they love what they are in, let 'em grow How often do you fertilize the S/H?

Last edited by mspatt; 09-04-2010 at 04:02 PM..
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Old 09-04-2010, 05:47 PM
Eyebabe Eyebabe is offline
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I do have the smaller size PrimeAgra and can switch the smaller ones over.
I have been fertilizing with every 4th or 5th watering at the most. I also stopped using any other chemical like Physan 20 etc over three weeks ago. And really only used it once or twice dilutely.
I water with distilled water only.
I will try to get around to some pics in a bit.
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Old 09-04-2010, 06:52 PM
mspatt mspatt is offline
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Concern with phals in s/h Female

I have only ten plants in S/H, so let that be a warning as to my knowledge, BUT the only difference I can see between what you are doing and what I am doing is in the fert. I use 1/4 of the recommended dose weakly weekly. I also have four in spike and a Pot. that just finished blooming ; lots of new growths and roots. You might want to check out Ray's web site. It is [url=]
and there is a specific section entitled "Fertilizer Mixing Calculations". Hope this kick starts things for you

Last edited by mspatt; 09-04-2010 at 07:25 PM..
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Old 09-05-2010, 03:03 PM
Eyebabe Eyebabe is offline
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So here are the pics...
First: The middle "do nothing" two plants #1 and #2
Second: The small blooming plant #3 that is losing all it's roots and leaves. Looks to me like pseudomonas which I did treat but nevertheless may be a gonner.
Third: Two of the larger plants doing well #4 and #5.

I notice on the picture as well the PrimeAgra with the whitish specs. I have read this can be residue from chemicals although I have not used any in weeks except on #3 just today. I have also read this can be due to improper washing of the PrimeAgra. However, not only did I follow instruction but I have washed through this media multiple times since then and ONLY use bottled distilled water from the market.

Thoughts? Comments?
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concern, growth, phals, plants, roots, s/h, spikes

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