This plant has been highly prolific producing flowers and keikis. I left the flower stems from last year and have several new baby plants growing, This years flowers have dropped off & I noticed the base of 3 flowers are different from the others. I was wondering is this a sign of seeds being produced or is it something else. These 3 all grew from last years flower stems. The first photo shows the keikies and the last 2 show close ups of the flower bases. Thank you
Tim Abbott
Last edited by tim abbott; 07-15-2010 at 09:27 AM..
Reason: more text
Thanks for the info. I was given this plant several years ago & it is the easiest orchid I have to cultivate. I don't do anything but fertilize periodically, water every few days & keep it under a big shefflera tree. So is there a possibility that seeds will form inside of these pods? DO you harvest when the pod dries up? That is exciting. I have gotten 2 generations of clones from this plant so far, I think I have four now, all from keikes & all but 1 of them grew from a flower stem. Below is a picture of it in full bloom this year(actually I have a clone of this plant in the same pot & it also flowered this year although only 1 flower stem)
I did some research about harvesting seeds & propagating plants from them, it certainly is an involved and lengthy process. Seems amazing that orchids can reproduce in the wild, must be a very small percentage that survive. Maybe I'll just plant the seed pod!
Tim Abbott
Last edited by tim abbott; 07-15-2010 at 08:46 PM..