I bought a dtps. Sogo Gotris (Phal. Be Tris x Sogo manager) a couple of weeks ago.
I have it under a CFL bulb but the leaves on the bottom are getting very limpy. Aerial root tip is slightly black. Some of the buds were blasted. I have in in a bowl with pebbles and water,, not sitting in water... I have it potted in moss and moss is cold. Can someone help! I really dont want to kill this orchid !!
It may be that your roots are staying too wet in the moss. Just pull the plant out of the moss and check your roots. If they are brown and mushy, clean out the dead roots and repot in another media that will allow the water to drain.
Can you post a picture?
It may be that your roots are staying too wet in the moss. Just pull the plant out of the moss and check your roots. If they are brown and mushy, clean out the dead roots and repot in another media that will allow the water to drain.
Can you post a picture?
the roots are in good condition. Its just the aerial root tip turned from green to brown.
i have the same species. i find it does best in an orchid mix, consisting of bark and peat. bright to medium light. watered once a week, until soil is wet (not soaked). i have mine in a yoghurt container in a exo-terra filled with moss.
i have the same species. i find it does best in an orchid mix, consisting of bark and peat. bright to medium light. watered once a week, until soil is wet (not soaked). i have mine in a yoghurt container in a exo-terra filled with moss.