Have managed to get a few new roots on this phal after very close brush with death. No roots for 4 months. Just sitting on bark with touch of moss placed on top of cupboard above oven for warmth and humidity (from cooking!!). Light spray every day and in small tray with rocks topped with a little water when dry.
So, where to from now. Any ideas? Should just keep letting them grow before trying to pot them up i.e. have bark up to the roots? Should I cut the leaves off (or part of) as they remain wrinkled...the initial sign that something was wrong? Will these leaves fatten up once the roots can get water to them?
The leaves will plump up some once you have enough roots to support the plant. You need the leaves. If you what to try water culture that is a possibility or just keep doing what you are doing.
I'd let the roots get a tad longer and then pot it up. The sooner the roots get used to the medium, the sooner they'll establish themselves. Don't cut the leaves off. The plant is using them for moisture and food now. That's why they are wrinkled. In my experience once they get to that stage they usually stay that way even with new roots. I'd start introducing it gradually back into brighter light. Then you should start seeing new leaf gowth. Good job bringing it back!
excellent work there.I would mist the roots with water with fert in it and let them head into the pot on thier own or just after they were a bit longer.
Being ephiphitic plants they dont have to be in a pot at all and just need ocassional misting and a source of food which in the wild would be rain and run off from the leaves and tree bark that picked up some nutrients from dust and bird dropping ect.
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Thanks for your advise. The roots are getting longer. I think the warmer and more humid weather here in Sydney, oz, is helping. Will continue to mist everyday and will add small amount of fert.
Cheers and if it ever blooms THAT will be an achivement.