So I had decided I wanted to go more for named 'chids and maybe diversify in to things other that Phals. I had just about decided my next would be a Phal equestris.
And so I really didn't mean to buy the two NOID Phals which followed me home today (from two different shops).
First off I was in the supermarket to buy food and while I always have a quick look at their Phals I don't usually buy as they are way over priced for NOID phals.
I had noticed a white phal with dead flowers but it was only when I spotted the discount tag (heavily discounted) that I took more interest. The plant was
huge and when I looked at the roots through the clear pot they were looking healthy and plump. Also there was an obvious reason for the dead flowers and bud blast... the spike was almost snapped off just above one of the flowers and the dead ones were all above that.
I just couldn't resist, it looks a healthy plant and I'm fairly confident I will get it to flower again next year and it was cheep. What is more, once I got home I looked up the growers website and found out that it is a hybrid called Korinthe, so it's no longer a NOID.
This is one of the two flowers below the break, both had some damage probably from whatever caused it.
Here is the plant. It is my biggest Phal! And the roots look good to me.
So, after buying this I had to go to a garden center to buy an outer pot to put arround it... and of course the pots intended for using with orchids (a bulge in the bottom holds the inner pot off the bottom so they don't sit in water) were right next to their Phals (all NOID).
Well in the end I had to get
two outer pots because this second one just wouldn't leave my hand.
There is no chance of getting a name on it as they did not even have a grower's tag so no way to find what it is. It's a good size healthy plant which also has good roots, though not as big as the first one.
So my small little collection has grown a slight bit bigger, and I'm still going to get that equestris soon.