Originally Posted by meganreaux
I am also a very poor law student and those sticky orchids are putting me into more and more debt...  I keep putting off studying by going to nurseries to see if any orchids are discounted. Then, I get there and end up paying full price. It's really just silly.

Oh woe be the college student who loves orchids!
Hang in there, Megan. I know what you mean about putting off studying. Luckily I have the OB and campus greenhouses to visit, instead of stores. Window shopping is free.
Hold out for those bargains. There are great, very generous people here on OB who will randomly offer you free plants (even free shipping) out of the goodness of their hearts. Gives me that warm fuzzy feeling.

Hang around long enough and show interest in things you really like and you're bound to get a few offers. And if that fails (not likely, everyone here is great!) then the classifieds usually have pretty good deals too!
Personally I can't wait to get a large enough collection so that I can trade and give other people plants to make them feel as good as others have made me feel! Thanks you guys! You know who you are!