Hello, i bought this orchid few weeks ago and i noticed some spots on its leaves. At first i didnt pay too much attention thinking its not something important but now those spots increased and the lower leaves began turning yellow. Those spots from the under side of the leaves have something like white core? Also i noticed there's some brown things like small insects on it..maybe its that causing it? Besides its leaves though it seems to be good, its on blooming right now as you can see on the pictures. Can you please tell me what shall i do? Here are some pictures of it:
Oh and by the way.. i'm from Greece (so you can imagine the climate here).. how often do you think i should water it? And general what care should i provide to it? I have it inside the house, in front of a window because its winter here and outside temperature is low. Thanks a lot in advance for your answers!
Last edited by onlymemyselfandi; 01-26-2009 at 05:27 AM..
Hi ,picture 3 looks like a brown scale on the leaf that might be the problem with the spots . I would look close if I am right get a spray to get rid of them I don't know what is available where you are .
If you can not get a regular plant spray then a drop or 2 of canola oil or ? with a drop of dish soap in a quart of water well shaken sprayed or wipe on the leaves should get rid of them, be sure to wipe off any you see ,(But be sure to keep plant in the shade until dry or the oil will cook the leaves . Recheck the plant often if you miss one they will come back the young are under the brown shell covering .. Gin
It definetely looks to me like scale. I would pretty much follow Gin's advice. I don't know if olive oil might work as well since it might be easier to find for you that canola.
Yes i've noticed some brown things on the plant, as well some white like tiny and thin pieces of cotton? What is that canola oil? I dont think we have that here. Do you mean i can either try dishes soap if i don't find canola oil?Would olive oil work as Roly said?
The white cottony thing is probably mealie bugs, another form of scale. Scale and mealies suck the life out of the leaves. They also reproduce like crazy, so if you don't treat it, they will cover the plant in a few short months.
Look for them in every hiding place, including *on and in the flowers*. Flowers are a favorite hiding place for both scale and mealies.
Liquid dish detergent, or a mild liquid detergent (I've used liquid handsoap) will work without the canola oil. the detergent destroys the exoskeleten, and they drown, just sliding right off the plant.
Wash the whole plant thoroughly with soapy water and a soft rag. For the flowers, a drop or two of detergent on a Q-tip rubbed across the pest will slide it right off.
Be careful applying non-horticultural oils to a plant. Especially if you don't need them. (Which you don't. Plain detergent will do the job for you.)
You should re-examine the plant and repeat the wash-down every week for several weeks to be sure you get every last one.
Thank you very much!I followed your instructions mehitabel and at least for now they seem to be gone, but i'll keep on checking on it as you said Thank you again