My orchids have decided to be nice to me this month! Due to lack of space in the orchid travel bag, I only brought 3 of my 7 blooming size phals with me to university. To my amazement, all 3 are spiking!!
Two other of the 15 orchids that I brought are spiking now.
Mini mark has a tiny spike nubbins which grows very slowly. My noid I called Pink Panther (looks like the phal of that name) started a spike at the same time, but it much much bigger. And the third one was the biggest surprise! Normally I look for spikes on it nearly every day. I forgot to look the last 3 days, and now there's a nice spike!! And bonus, the keiki that I took off from it in march is also in spike again.
I need to set up my grow lights and tie up the spikes, because the lack of light is making them go towards the window (no luck I was assigned a room with a north facing window
I just wanted to share my happiness with you!
noid Pink Panther
Brother Spring Dancer