If you could please give us some more info, perhaps we can help you with your orchid. Once I have some more info, I'll move your post to the appropriate forum so your new friends will be able to assist.
they flowered, after the flowers dropped i cut them down, then I was advised to put wax on the tips which i did then they started to go yellow. yes they are phals. Thankyou!
Not all Phal spikes re-bloom. Some of them just turn yellow/brown and die off. You should just clip the rest of those spikes closer to the base with a sterile clipper. The plant will then put all it's energy into growing new roots, leaves and spikes
thankyou very much its good to know this, now i wont feel guilty thinking that i may have done something wrong.is that a new spike blooming on the right phal or a root??
thanks again!