In the few posts I've made since joining today I've mentioned that I've pretty much been away from orchids for about a decade, though I've had a few nice Phal. hybrids in the house to keep me from going completely mad. But this week the fever was pitched, and I ordered several new plants through eBay (I've shopped on eBay for years and years and never, before this week, did I think of buying orchids there). Some of my additions arrived today, safe and sound and getting me very excited. Here's what came:
Phal. cornu-cervi (back when I first started, cornu-cervi was the first Phal. species I purchased, and remains a favorite)
Phal. mannii
Phal. manni (I'm not repeating myself - I got two because the price was just too good. This second one is in bloom)
Doritis (aka Phalaenopsis) pulcherimma
Phal. stuartiana (this one is a baby, but exceedingly healthy)
In the next few days I will also receive:
Phal. lobbii
Phal. amboinensis
Phal. viridis
Phal. pallens
and, just to make things interesting, Neofinetia falcata
Maybe you can tell I'm into species.
I've also posted a desire to find Paraphalaenopsis denevei, and I think I've located this plant, to sit beside the Paraphal. serpentilingua I bought last week.
Something ells me that my wife is going to have me locked up in a straight jacket this evening.