Look at my last post for Alan Koch speaking to our society, the Desert Valley Orchid Society, on June 18 2020. He mentioned Cattleya luteoloa, C. (Laelia) alaori and their hybrids do best in light lower than needed for Phals - 400 footcandles. C. luteola can bloom 7 times per year in these conditions.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.
I am looking into that. I think I might have killed one of those a few years ago. Some people think they have to kill a plant three times to consider it ungrowable for them. I'm too cheap to think that way. 😉
I’m really partial to hybrid Phals. Phal Jia Ho Summer Love is one of my favorites. It smells lovely and has been a very hardy grower and reliable rebloomer for me.