Further on my light xperiment
On my previous "lighting" posts: The cattleyas are not ALL doing well, although they're all under the same conditions. One of the "rescue" plants leaf turned yellow so I moved it out of the HD Flourescent. Two plants I moved outside with the temp/hygrometer are doing fine at 55 degree nightime, 60 degree daytime, at above 55% humidity.
The inside plants were running 80 degrees under the mini-greenhouse with muffin fans on a bed of wet gravel, and a humidity of 80+% . Temp and humidity both HIGH and almost equal. So, then, removed the plastic green house cover, lowered temps to 70 degree household, kept the gravel and fans, raised the lights a foot, and went from HD to regular T12 grow light flourescents. I think the light was Too intense. I plan to take more, maybe all, outside in a while longer. Learning is a new experience....