Hi Nguyen...I was looking at this thread and I was wondering if you got the info you were looking for. I noticed that you didn't post a reply. I have been using mostly 48" T8 4 tube fixtures using 2 cool white tubes and 2 warm white tubes. Under these lights, I have had Catts, Dens, Cymbidiums and others bloom. I have not used the special horticulteral tubes because of the cost. I also think you will have an easier time finding 48" tubes vers 24". The numbering, T8 and T5 refer to the tube diameter in 1/8" increments. A T8 is 1" in diameter and a T5 is 5/8" Diameter. The older stuff is T12s which are being phased out over the next several years in favor of the T8 and T5s. I would invest in the T5s because of the higher light output but if cost is a factor, I would use T8. The price of the T5s will come down over the next couple of years when production catches up with demand. I have three Sun System T5 four tube fixtures and they are very nice. They do put out a lot of light. I haven't used them on flasks or seedlings yet but I would be careful not to get the lights too close or they may cook the plants. T8 tubes put out 32 watts vers T5 at 54. Sorry to be so long winded. I hope this helps.