I've got about 30 phals to put under a light, we are moving to new location without good natural light. From what I read, I understand that T5HO is the most economical. Can someone recommend a good source for the fixtures. Also, what size would you recommend? (1-2 lamp 48") (2- 2 lamp 48"), or (1- 4 lamp 48"). I am not sure how much light it will require.
A T5 4 bulb 48" will give enough light to bloom catts, so as long as you can get them high enough from the phals you should be fine. Mine are about 14-18" below the bulbs. This place has a great price for the fixture but you have to buy bulbs separate. I use 6500K bulbs. Hydrofarm FLP44UN 4FT 4 Lamp T5 Fluorescent Grow Light - Plantlighting Hydroponics
FirstRays also sells Hydrofarm T5's as a package.
I've had the Hydrofarms for about 3 years and love them.
Again - Wow. This site is fantastic ! I am starting a growing business out of my apartment and needed to be economical when I set it up. These are great resources - I will be giving them some business soon.