T-5 lighting question
I started growing under lights using the regular T-12 Grow-Lights with mostly Phals and Paphs, then graduated to two of the T-8 fixtures from Gardener's Supply Co. two years ago, and was amazed -- and very well satisfied -- at the plants that started blooming under them -- several soft-leaved Oncidiums, mini-Catts, Masdevallias and some miscellaneous species as well as the plants that flowered well under the T-12s.
The T-8 fixtures are three 4-foot tubes totalling 96 watts (32 each), are 6500K and have a cri of 85. I haven't figured out the lumens yet, although from a couple of articles I've read lumens are somewhat irrelevant to the plants themselves.
My question is, can anyone growing with T-5s, or a lighting engineer somewhere out there, tell me an approximate equivalent to the T-8 fixtures I have? Do I need to have a four light T-5 fixture? Is a two light T-5fixture more than adequate, and would a single fixture light adequately supply the paphs? Etc.
I can't really justify substituting a light fixture with four 54 watt bulbs for a three light fixture totalling 96 watts or four light T-12 fixture totalling 160 watts, if the objective is trying to save on electricity costs, and if I'm not trying to expand my collection into other genera. (I swear, I have enough of those already.)