I grow phals under lights. Question I have is about the spikes/buds. I can no longer fit the top of the spike underneath my lamp. So I have to position the plant near the outside of the light so the spike can go above the bulbs. Unfortunately the buds don't receive any light there and are in virtual darkness. So, my question is: do buds need light? I see the spikes are growing back downwards but that really doesn't bother me - I just want flowers.
If the spikes do need light - should I just put a second bulb over my setup? I don't want to raise the whole lamp system because then the leaves of the plant will not get enough light. Tough problems.
In a few weeks I'm facing the same problem. I don't think buds need the light. It's the leafs that need to light IMHO as there is the most cholorfyl. As you notice the spikes grow towards the light source, either bulbs or sun.
I was thinking to train the spikes downwards before they reach the height of the lamps but now I think about it, it won't work as the tip of the spike and the buds will try to grow towards the lights. Hmmm....
I remove them from under the lights when they reach that point. Last winter was my first winter with a growlight, and I moved 4 phals from under it and put them in the living room by a south facing window. None blasted buds, and they didn't seem to suffer one bit!
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
Flower buds photosynthesize very little and removing them from the light won't affect the flowering of the plant.
I have always either done the same thing as Camille, or moved lights up where plants are spiking while they flower; optimum light levels are needed only while the plant is maturing new growth and are not absolutely necessary while it is flowering.
I have a Phrag growing in my basement which I didn't check for a few days, because of illness, When I went down there I found 2 nice fat buds fried. A 400W HID light took care of that.
Last edited by Grandma M; 11-19-2009 at 08:40 AM..
I agree with the others. Once the bud orientation is properly set on the spike just move the entire plant out where you can enjoy it. It really won't be hurt by a few weeks out from under the lights. Watch that the pot doesn't get too dry.
I'm glad to hear that moving the phals out from under the lights while budding will probably not hurt them. I have exactly the same situation. Except the only windows I have are north facing - AND it is winter in Chicago. Not much light, to be sure! I have some incandescent lights to shine on them too. I'm sure I'll manage, but it sure would be great to have some natural light in my apartment!