Nhman - Sounds good! U r so right and I know for a fact that the Orchids I grow appreciate high light. Thanks for sharing this great info and it sounds like your Orchids got it "growing" on! LVA
I understand, getting the light right can indeed be a challenge, it's nice that your Dad was there to help. Here lately, I have been reading so much about Orchid Lighting and Orchid Plants til I'm cross eyed - and I'm enjoying every second!
I think 13 W T5 undercabinet lights may be more efficient than CFL spiral. got one at Home Depot was really lightweight I taped it with gaffer tape on a shelf by my windowsill.
was wondering if putting tinfoil on the sides would reflect more...
Tin Foil is a very poor quality reflector. It actually tends to absorb heat and light as well. It would be better if you can find Mylar Foil as it has much better reflective qualities.
Actually a Painted White Wall will reflect more than the tin foil. Mylar Foil is a type of Water resistant reflective paper which can typically be found in Hydroponics stores.