I'm looking for something like a floor lamp like this
BlueMaxTM 70w Black Dimmable Floor Lamp to provide my paph insigne some (more) light.
Right now I have it by my window and according to my light meter it gets about 800-1200 fc's of light for about 4 hours or so. I'd put it under my rack of t5's but some of the leaves are so long (think 2 ft.+) that it usually knocks over the other plants and takes up way too much room. It's like a monster
Now this BlueMax floor lamp has a rating of 10k lux which (thanks to google) calculates to 929 fc's at 18". I'm thinking if I put it closer I'd have a much better fc reading? Say closer to my goal of 2000 fc's? I hope I'm calculating this correctly..?
If I had my way I'd put another New Wave ballast and hang it from the ceiling, however my husband doesn't see it my way.

Since I live in a condo, space is of course at a premium.
Does anyone have any experience with these?