Respect Clawhammer. I can recognise a few things I have too but yes the untrained eye would not be able to see instantly how much time and effort has been spent building all the drainage and the lights, jesus, I have a few lights by now, some same as you
but I counted at least 11 x 60 watt lights and I can see there are more than that
My orchids are spread all around the house, you'd be surprised how many I've been able to house all over the place without it looking like they've taken up too much space. Lets just say I have a few more orchids, I am still experimenting how much indoor lighting I need if I don't use a window as I need more space again.. A window does save quite a bit on lighting I think.
Can I ask is that an Angraecum Leonis on the nutrient injector picture? It is huge, very impressive if that is a leonis.