Honestly, almost any Cattleya will take to mounted conditions. I have a load of teak baskets and rafts that I've mounted both orchids and epiphytic ferns on without any ill effect.
I prefer compact cattleyas for wood baskets or mounts. Teak is nice, it develops a pretty gray color over time and lasts longer than other woods. Catts with leaves 10" or less and flowers up to 4" or a little bigger. These plants look very natural when growing and blooming on a mount. I don't care for the look of very large catts on hanging mounts.
I second and third Tucker on this one. The larger cattleyas I think look very messy on mounts. I would mount something like aclandiae or maybe a sophronitis.
for me, anything larger goes into a pot or a basket.
teak is a very dense fibered wood besides being oily...i wouldnt think an orchid would like to attach to that wood.....it would repel water, which is why it is used on boats, and wouldnt give the roots much friction to attach with....try cypress instead