Originally Posted by Becca
Hi Everyone! I am just curious if anyone out there who has used womens pantyhose to secure an orchid to a mount could tell me how they secure the pantyhose to the mounts? I was thinking of using staples, but decided that they would just rust. I thought tying them might look kind of ugly. Would some one mind sharing me their method, and any pictures if available? I have a few orchids I would like to mount and I thought it would be neat to try this instead of fishing line for a change because I have nothing better to do with my pantyhose that I never use! TIA!
Hi Becca...I much prefer to tie my plants with panty hose than to wear them.

I'm new at doing mounts, but have included a couple of photos. I used an off-black color that was on hand, but a neutral or tan would be even better. I just tie them on. They're great to use on other plants too because they're gentle on the plant, stretch from here to China, and are practically indestructable.