Things are looking very good for the mounted mini catts that are in the Orchidarium. All are putting out roots like crazy One is even putting out new stalks. This Orchidarium is really working well and is so easy to care for.
Enjoy the
TTFN - Sheridan
Last edited by Ranchnanny; 11-05-2011 at 08:19 PM..
Wow, those roots are looking good!
I've started planting some of mine in baskets - I haven't worked up the nerve to try mounting any of them yet.
What kind of light do you have in your orchidarium? The plants look really happy.
Wonderful Growing!! I have mounted four mini-catts about two weeks ago and the roots are just starting to show BUT they're certainly not anything like yours. What are your humidity levels and do you use any rooting hormone? Your orchidarium is working great.
Glad you like the mounted mini Catts. They are growing very well in the Orchidarium.
You asked what kind of lights I am using and if I am using any rooting hormone and humidity level.
The Orchidarium comes with 2 or 3 lights mine has 3 lights. They are three 39 Watt Biaxial Fluorescents 2 are cool and 1 is warm. The humidity level runs anywhere between 80 and 90 percent it drops slightly during the night. The fan runs 24 7. When repotting or mounting I soak everything in KLN to stimulate root growth.
Terri, Thanks for the kind words. They do love it inside that Orchidarium and I love looking at them Now comes the real test getting them to bloom that is the real test of growing orchids
We just count a small red jewel and a mini rrm hybrid......we are concerned about rot from the just looks all .....mushy? Is this normal? I also have a b.nodosa hybrid mounted on cork and we were concerned about the same thing. (sorry no pic, on the run!)