So i am always looking for ways to make mounts that will hold moisture longer than just the wood (or base material) and absorb it faster so i am not soaking mounts which defeats the whole purpose for me.
i have taken all of the parts of this idea from pics and posts of growers and others so i take no credit, just sharing a cool idea
the idea is i want to be able to mount Bulbos and even possibly catasetums and i don't want to water them 3 times a day nor do i want them to die.
what made the difference was Ray's sharing about the rockwool cubes and they were the key.
this can already be improved in a few ways but it is a solid proof of concept and it WORKS....three days after making it i squeezed it and water poured out
things i will adapt: add a rigid center pole like a piece of bamboo
perhaps use hygrolon instead of the coir, it is easier to work with and i really don't need the absorbency of the coir with the rock wool
add a terracotta or plastic sealed pot to the bottom so i can make a self watering element
use less stupid colored zip ties
lots of improvements....
What to do with this pot by
J Solo, on Flickr
What to do with this pot by
J Solo, on Flickr
What to do with this pot by
J Solo, on Flickr
it is just gutter guard filled with coir filled with rockwool, then bound up.