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03-26-2008, 06:34 AM
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More questions about mounting
Let me preface by saying i've never put anything on a mount ever. So...
I know that wood and cork mounts look pretty and all and are a super-healthy way to grow orchids but i'm concerned i wouldn't be able to water them every day, and it wouldn't be humid enough around here, especially in the cold months with heat on.
I was wondering if anyone had tried using those foam slabs that people stick flowers in for mounts and how that has worked out?
this was the first link i found on google with a picture of what i mean: Oasis Floral Foam WET FOAM Bricks (48 Bricks) for $42.72 For Fresh Flowers /Green

03-26-2008, 07:46 AM
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Stay away from the 'foam bricks' as a mount. Those are only temporary and will deteriorate quickly, leaving your plant without support and possibly killing it in the mean time.
I would stick with a natural mount like tree fern or cork, something the roots can cling to. One thing you can do is to bag your mount while you are gone and not able to water. Even bagging just the root area helps.

03-26-2008, 07:52 AM
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take a look at the epiweb products. it tends to retain moisture longer than any other mounting medium. i havent used any, i mostly use cork or grapewood but there are a few in my orchid society that swear by the stuff. its work looking into. good luck

03-26-2008, 08:29 AM
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If you do decide to try mounting and you are still unsure that you can water it everyday I would try to stick with drought tolerant plants like Brassavola. I have a B. nodosa on cork and I mist it once a day and maybe let it sit in a bucket of water once a week for 15 minutes.

03-26-2008, 08:33 AM
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Floral foam...not a good thing
Epiweb...great stuff but it really doesn't hold moisture
Choosing a plant that doesn't need a lot of moisture and humidity would be the way for you to go.
Please let us know what you decide 

03-26-2008, 08:38 AM
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Originally Posted by cb977
Floral foam...not a good thing
Epiweb...great stuff but it really doesn't hold moisture
Choosing a plant that doesn't need a lot of moisture and humidity would be the way for you to go.
Please let us know what you decide 
thats good to know about the epiweb, everything ive seen on the web about it claims it is a bit more moisture retentive and resists breakdown. guess ill stick to my cork and grapewood.

03-26-2008, 08:41 AM
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Originally Posted by cowboy51278
thats good to know about the epiweb, everything ive seen on the web about it claims it is a bit more moisture retentive and resists breakdown. guess ill stick to my cork and grapewood.
No, no, no...I LOVE using Epiweb! It does hold more moisture than say cork would but it's not like a sponge and wouldn't be a save-all for somebody trying to avoid daily moisture.
If you have mounts already and have the time to care for those, you should really try the Epiweb stuff, the plants love it and it's a lot neater than tree-fern which I find tends to break apart.

03-26-2008, 10:19 AM
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hey there, other greenberg!
i was a little freaked myself when i received my first mounted orchids - a Maxillaria uncata and Masdevallia floribunda. i'm in brooklyn, and while i do water them every morning and have a humidifier running, Maxie has been continuously putting out new growth...seems like every day i'm finding a new leaf or two emerging. and Masdie has has put out two lil spikes (both failed, tho  ) and has now got some new root growth and a new leaf sproutin up.
so, while i was nervous at first about the mounts, they've been fantastic.

03-26-2008, 11:56 AM
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Originally Posted by irrka
Let me preface by saying i've never put anything on a mount ever. So...
I know that wood and cork mounts look pretty and all and are a super-healthy way to grow orchids but i'm concerned i wouldn't be able to water them every day, and it wouldn't be humid enough around here, especially in the cold months with heat on.
I was wondering if anyone had tried using those foam slabs that people stick flowers in for mounts and how that has worked out?
this was the first link i found on google with a picture of what i mean: Oasis Floral Foam WET FOAM Bricks (48 Bricks) for $42.72 For Fresh Flowers /Green
irrka, I think you should take a look at the swampsticks, made for for mounting orchids and you are able to put water inside the mount and the water slowely seeps out. I would recommend epiweb as well. Check out the swampsticks at this link: SwampStick ™

03-26-2008, 02:05 PM
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Ok ok i get it. Floral foam = bad. While i'm twirling thumbs making the to-mount-or-not-to-mount decision (which is absolutely not pressing right now but would give me an excuse to get another plant... as if i really need an excuse!) can someone explain to my why it's bad? it seems like it's synthetic stuff, so i thought it wouldn't break down fast? Just wondering here.
yvan--you really run your humidifier the whole day??
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