I would like to show you my Cattleya lueddemaniana, which have bloomed over the past year. All except Alba are blooming for the first time.
Disappointment of the year - the terrible shape and color of the lip of Cattleya lueddemaniana coerulea. I hope for improvement in the next flowering season. However, the petals have obvious blue veining. But disappointment in the shape and color of the lip prevented me from taking a more detailed photo of this Lueddemanjana.
At the same time, Cattleya lueddemaniana rubra was blooming. In general, I want a beetroot rubra, a very dark shade, but so far 2 of my three rubras have bloomed, maybe a little darker than the typical one. I really like the pattern on the lip of this rubra.
Cattleya lueddemaniana semialba "Falcon" was blooming around the same time. According to the catalog, she should have had single strokes on her lip. But it has excellent flower shape and large flower size.
The color of the lip changes depending on the light source.
Cattleya lueddemaniana concolor "Rasioo" bloomed a little earlier
I didn’t have time to take a ceremonial photo, because for some reason the upper sepal is quickly withering. It might have been a little hot during the day. Or I had some kind of processing, but there was processing.

Cattleya lueddemaniana alba is blooming for the second year. This year it bloomed in the fall and at the end of winter. A large flower with a beautiful shape, I really like it. Blooms a long time.
Unfortunately, the upper sepal also quickly withered.