Total view after 4 days:
In the bottom I made pleurotallidinarium

It's 4 plastic containers, in which the trifern log round cuts will be immersed by 1/4 in water and moss will grow on them and in the live moss on triferne log will grow different pleurotallidinae. Now humidity in empty container is 75%-80%.
Nice humidity returned to live one of my Vandas, after 4 days.

I hope second vanda will come to life after 2-4 weeks.
The photo immediately strikes the stunning purple color of the King of Taiwan. For 4 days he intensified tan
My supposed micranthum gives out some kind of Christmas tree.
Well, the joy of my eyes Bud Maripoza

---------- Post added at 09:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 AM ----------
Mariposa &