
ok, i am new to to the forum here.
I am fifteen years old and i have approxamaely thirty orchids.
So back to the point i was given a greenhouse by a man who is a member of the orchid club i am in, the only condition was that i had to dismantle it and take it home.
it is about 5m wide and about 10m long The roof and the 2 side walls are completely glass but the front and rear walls are bondoor paneling.
It has a swamp airconditioner in the front bondoor paneling wall and inside it has 4 fans.
I have 13 ultrasonic mains water misters that i am going to hang from the roof so because i would like to keep it about 90-95% humidity.
Now i can not afford to heat it in any way so what i am going to try to do is all under the benches i am going to have 10L buckets filled with water so that they heat up during the day and then at night they emitt their own heat so the orchids stay nice and toasty overnight
I would really like to hear your

on my eventual setup and i promise as it is being reassembled at my house i will do a build log for you all

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