I am in Denmark today en route to Sweden so my wife Mary and I stopped into the botanical gardens because I saw they had a Victorian glasshouse, in this case, a palm house.

As an American, I am impressed by the amount of care that
the general public takes of common spaces. The gardens are free and very nice. There is like 10$ entry fee to the palm house but it is really worth it. The palm house itself is beautiful and if you head to the lower level there is a cactus garden, and finally a butterfly area which contains tons of tropical butterfly like morphos and glasswings. This area also contains, you guessed it, ORCHIDS and other epiphytes like ant plants and tillandsias.
I just thought that I would post some photos and reccomend that anyone who gets a chance should stop by.
Also P.s. can we start a forum for posts regarding visiting public/ private collections ot botanical gardens?