I can't understand my Den.
I do not understand my dendrobium, I can't tell if there is something wrong with it, if it's healthy or what it wants.
When I first got it, the den. burana emerald lost all of its leaves but it grew a stalk during this winter.
Now I do not know what is going on with it, I have not seen any root growth this whole winter and I went to check on them today and they pretty much look exactly the way they did when I got it in the fall. Some roots were dark and hollow so I cut those off with clean scissors.
The stalk is growing another new leaf but the roots look like cr@p to me, I've never grown a Den. before so I don't know what is normal.
I attached some pics below, could anyone give me some advice, please? I'm worried that it looks ok now and then it will just quickly deteriorate, I want to avoid that before it's too late.