Thank you! I guess I haven't been paying attention too much whenever I've gone to Lowe's (probably a good thing; I think the sight of a cellophane-wrapped Dendrobium speciosum seedling would depress the heck out of me).
Thanks again, Dolly. And good luck with your speciosum babies. It's a very cool plant to grow. And once you've smelled the outstanding fragrance (reminds me a lot of honey) you might forgive the plant for not keeping its blooms around for very long.
There's a local society here in Indianapolis. It meets once monthly at Garfield Park Conservatory. I don't know that any of the members grow speciosum. I have several, ranging from seedlings to adults. I like them because they're pretty cast iron in nature, handling extremes of temperatures, lower-than-optimal humidity levels, varying degrees of sunlight, etc.