All the 'kingianum' hybrids need cool weather to set buds. I keep mine well watered in the Summer and they dry for the Winter and are kept VERY cool to set the buds. Once the spikes are developing I only give enough moisture to keep things going, but, from my experience, if watered during flowering, they may drop their buds. Apparently, they think new-growth season is upon them and start producing new p-bulbs. They can handle lots of light. Mine come in the garden during warm weather and stay outside (except hybrids with tetragonum) 'til first frost (right about now for me). In a cool window they will now bloom. Essentially an easy plant, but keep them away from dry air. Can be an issue with some heating systems.
I would only give them a good
misting near the base, daily, until the buds start to develope fully. Lightly
misting the whole plant is fine, just don't get them wet at this time. That said, they are easy in general.

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