Second time blooming this year.
The flowers are bigger and somewhat fuller than the previous ones. And the color is more intense...perhaps growing under lights has helped a bit? hmm...
Just two days after opening, and there is still a bit green tint left in sepals.
The intense crimson color in the throat.
And the plant itself.
More buds are on the way.

Look at the size of the almost doubled its size this year, and it is still growing. The newer cane is very thick, too, almost as thick as my pinky.
The label only just said "Dendrobium christyanum var.” without any further description. The seller did not have any more information either.
As far as I know, I think this one might actually be a Dendrobium christyanum var. fuerstenbergianum, or Den. fuerstenbergianum. I've heard that D. fuerstenbergianum has much bigger growth compared to that of normal D. christyanum, and sometimes it has silver colored hair, in contrast to the black hair of ordinary christyanums.
But oh well, it is just my speculation; and I will have to call it D. christyanum, as the label says so.