This is my first ever den phal (I bought 4 of them on sale in a supermarket because they were so pretty).
They all flowered, then the leaves also dropped slowly and even if the roots were not dry the stems seem to dry out. No sign of any new growth and this has been going on for about a month. I have them in small to medium bark in glass vases (no holes but air circulates because of the size of the bark, the roots do not dry completely in a week partly because I covered the plant with a plastic bag to keep it all from dehydrating, no mould either because I left a big hole open) There is condensation on the glass every day, the roots are whitish.
How long am I supposed to restrict water and am I doing it the right way? (I haven't watered for over a month but moisture in the plastic bag is still high)
I have 2 den nobile, one was kept from watering last winter for a month and now has flowered again and has 2 new stems; it looks quite happy but seems to prefer a daily shower and quick dry...
The other den nobile was also a "good deal" and came with some problems... now it has 5 keikis but the old stems that flowered seem to dehydrate more and more and slowly dry out. Is this normal? The keikis are growing new roots all white.
Can I help them in any way not to starve themselves?
I would like to thank everyone for your understanding and for taking the time to bring a little piece of advice.