Hi all,
I decided to dive into dendrobium somewhat recently, and now I realize I don't really know what I'm doing. I found a really thorough write-up of culture of the various types, so I think I'll be ok on that now, but I have some other questions.
I got a division of Den. Stardust 'Firebird' that I took out of the moss I got it in and put in S/H. I figured since it barely had any roots and would presumably be making new ones, that was a good time to switch. Two of the canes are losing leaves, and some are making keikis. That's all ok, I think, as the keikis should do ok in their new environment. But what I wonder is whether I should be
misting these keikis as they develop roots. And since they're growing up high and their roots will be far above the substrate, how do I transition them to S/H?
Next. I have a Den. antennatum. After some reading I think I should switch this to a smaller pot. It is doing poorly after I got it last fall because I had it in my office over the winter. The office has great windows, but I think it was just too cold. Since I ride my bike, it took me a long time to get it back home, where we don't let it get below 60F. Now it's starting to make quite a few new canes from the base. Will those grow new roots the way that new pseudobulbs on cattleyas do?
Lastly, a NOID Den. phal I recently picked up was potted in a really dense, tightly packed stuff that seemed a lot like compacted potting soil. The nursery I got it from recommended repotting it, and I've put it in LECA in the pot it came in. In my care (even before repotting because I wasn't watering it much as I was worried about the dense substrate and it took a long time to dry out the time I did water it), the lower leaves on the biggest cane have started to yellow. What should I expect in terms of new growth from this kind of plant? New canes from the base? Keikis from the old cane?
Thanks in advance for your help. Dens are different!
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