I bought this Dendrobium Proud Appeal 'Ace' August 2013 from a local vendor after it had just finished blooming for $8, so I did not know for sure what the flowers were going to look like. I'm quite happy with this plant, it has been growing like a weed in my environment, has almost doubled in size in 6 months and can take as much light as I give it - I still haven't found the upper light limit on this one. I grow exclusively under lights and this den is directly underneath an MH HID light. I also just noticed that another, more recent cane has just started to spike. How often can this plant flower in a year?
I got three flower spikes from three canes; one has six flowers, another has two flowers and the third only has one. The spike with six flowers was totally exposed to the light as it grew, whereas the other two spikes were covered by leaves from the other canes and did not get direct light until after they had grown a bit. Do the flower spikes need direct light on them as they grow to maximize the number of flowers?
And another question: is this a Latouria-type of dendrobium?