I just received an orchid which I know very little about! Actually, I do know that it's from Australia, and is slow growing. The name is dendrobium pugioniforme. It is in a two inch pot, and seems healthy...but, "how" to grow it is the question! Anyone out there from Australia have any experience with this orchid? I would very much appreciate some advise on "how" to grow this one! Thanks, BettyE
Found in Queensland and New South Wales Australia in rainforests on trees and mossy rocks, on cliffs, in ravines, or high on the outer exposed branches of trees at elevations from 0 to 1300 meters as a miniature sized, hot to cool growing epiphyte with sympodial, long, stems hanging in large masses carrying thick, ovate, shortly petiolate, acuminate, leaves that blooms in the spring on a short, single flowered inflorescence arising towards the apex of the stem with fragrant, non-resupinate flowers that last for about 2 weeks.