Dendrobium NOID Pink
My original post got too lenghty and I thought I would start a new one here.
The two little plants pictured are keikis from a plant I got last fall. It lost all the roots, yet stayed alive with over twent five flowers while hanging on my window blind. Eventually, all the leaves yellowed and fell off.
I kept the bare cane in a plastic box with nothing in it, put the whole thing under the sink (dark, warm and dry)
The cane began to sprout a month or two later. That was around November. I potted up keikis individually earlier this spring. Now two of them are flowering.
One with three flowers and the other one with two flowers. Both plants are about 6-7 inch tall not taking the spike length into consideration.
Two additional pictures show the same bare cane still making four more keikis. This must be a super clone of whatever it is!
So far, none of them picked up disease of any kind (not a single spot!), grow quite fast, look very healthy.
gotta love this plant! now plants!
Last edited by NYCorchidman; 08-18-2014 at 05:39 PM..