I have three white dendrobium hybirds. All of them are NOID, and all differ slightly in flower shape. Two of them are scream white with slight green cast with sweet scent in the morning and the other one is pure white with green center with no scent.
Anyhow, two of them have these black dots on the cane where the leaves attach to the cane.
They came that way when I got them.
I only post one picture, but the other plant has tons more black spots on it.
I have no idea what they are, but they sure look unsightly to me. They are dry, appear to be inside the tissues and not spreading in the past two months.
Any ideas???
Last edited by NYCorchidman; 03-10-2013 at 10:36 PM..
sun spots. the droplets of water have been magnified by the sun as in (magnifying glass effect) and produced those spots....also droplets from watering reacting to cold(its not advisable to water at night since the window can get cold and it affects the plant...make sure in winter to have leaves a foot away from the glass...
Thanks for the info. I've heard about water spots, but never seen it. I've had one of my nobile type sunburned slightly in the summer and it was more of brown indented area on the leaf. then again, that was a sunburn without water sitting on the leaf.
Do you have any den that gets this spots because of misting and then being exposed to the sun?
What's strange about these black spots is that only two of my dends have them. I give them exact same care. maybe their genetics...well, as long as they don't spread, I'm not worried too much.
It's been pretty warm november so far and 8 of my dendrobiums are sitting right by the window and two of them are in the bathroom with a light on all day. They seem to like moisture and heat.
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