The second spike on my den is growing quite slowly as well. Now I see some purple coloring kicking in.
My Chao Praya Gem has been flowering since June this year. It grew much faster and nearly 20 flowers per spike. With the decrease amount of sun and temerature, it is growing much slower and the flower count is poor.
I current have two spikes, one with 9 flowers, and this second one (even less with 4 flowers) that has been growing out of the newest cane since late September.
The newest cane is really short as well. I was expecting it to grow quite big, but I guess it decided to stop growing and produce some flowers for some reason.
I am moving to a south window apartment next year, so all my dens should flower like fire works. yay!!!!!
The first picture is from the mid summer. The second pic shows the beginning of the new cane as a tiny little green bud in late July, which stopped growing at the height of about 8in and producing the spike with 4 buds on it.
The third picture is the spike from the older cane with less flower count of 9 ( it is now starting to fade).
I love these types of dendrobiums. They grow so vigorously, which is joy to watch, and they flower like crazy and last for a long time. Some of mine also gives off wonderful fragrance too!