First of all, I just want to say as a disclaimer that I'm not very good with Dens.
I have a young Den. chrysotoxum which I assumed was on its way out- the pbulbs are getting yellow, and it dropped a couple of leaves. There is still green at the top and no black. (so not rot, just death.)
Well, that's what I thought until I saw this...
Dendrobium chrysotoxum Lindl.
Mine looks just like the one first left on the third row, but without the blooms.
Can anyone confirm/ deny that is a plant in OK health? I've realised that Dens have a habit of faking death and then coming back, rising like zombies from the grave (just look at my Den. phal)- maybe my little Den. chrysotoxum isn't compostable yet....
PS Don't worry, haven't discarded it yet, just put it in my 'make it or else' section- just as I did with the Den phal.