How to repot this new dendrobium and does anyone know what it is?
I bought this dendrobium three days ago for $7 and I loved the color on it. It is green and purple with about 7 canes growing off of it. I was wondering how to repot it properly and when would be the best time to repot this orchid? The tag says dendrobium orchid hybrid.
It looks like a healthy plant; but like you said it needs repoting. you should repot every year or two or after every flowering. I'd replace the plastic pot for a clay or ceramic pot, your plant lookes a little top heavy. make sure the pot allows a few inches of space between the rim and plant. its looks looks like your useing charcol as a potting mix. You should incorperate sphag moss around the roots to retain water better.By the way cut off any dead or rotted roots before repotting.good luck
One more thing, the type of orchid is hard to determine. But I would worry because dendrium care is pretty straight forward for all species. Chances are its a hybrid anyway.
It looks like a pretty healthy phal type dendrobium hybrid. It could probably use a repot but I'd wait until after the blooms go and new root growth on that new cane.