are the canes leafless...if so you can divide the cut offs as long as each cutting has two can take up to a year for the whole process...lay the cuttings in a tray with moist sphagnum each try in a clear plastic bag or heated growth will appear in 3 or 4 monthes...wait till you have good least a few inches worth...then cut from stem and plant
Nice healthy looking den. You could easily make 2 out of that pot. I would divide where the half is growing sideways and stake both plants to keep the growing straight That would help with the tipping. But if you like the free form growth you could just place the whole pot into a larger wooden basket and add some lava rock around it. The den would eventually grow out of the pot and take over the basket too. The basket has a larger base and less likely to tip over. I keep a lot of my clay potted chids in baskets just to keep them from tipping over.
I like the basket idea and i happen to have one to be repaired . I still like to cut the long stem that don't have leaves.
I have several dens that look like yours. They can still put out spikes that bloom and also will keiki. I would not remove any until they are all dried up and dead. I like letting my chids use up all the stregnth it has to put out blooms. I even have some dens in hanging baskets with a bungee cord keeping all the canes growing straight up. That way the bare ones blend in with the ones with leaves. When they bloom there are spikes all over the place, old and new growth.