For Den. nobile, you should still give them water during the winter rest. When instructions say keep them dry, it doesn't mean bone dry, but less frequent watering. Failing to withholding water completely will shrink the canes to a point where the plants are harmed and hence the flowering will be bad if at all. In the nature, Den. nobiles get lots of moisture every day in the form of highly humid air in the mountains. So daily
misting will be ideal, or watering every once in a while depeding on how the canes look is necessary to see lots of flowers.
Regarding bringing them back in the house, you want to leave them in the cold (not freezing cold, which will also harm the plant) until you see th flower buds forming. Then you can bring them indoor where the night temperature isn't too high. Otherwise, bud might drop altogether due to stress.
Exposing them to as much sun as possible (direct sun) ensures more flowers.
I grow mines in the south facing balcony that is glass covered all around. So plants stay quite cold during winter but never experience the freezing.
I leave them there until spring and let the nature take care of the flowering season, which is usually early spring.
Remember not to bring them inside where night temperature is too high all of a sudden. Most buds, if not all, will blast.
If you bring them inside before buds are formed, then you may not see the flowers. Nobiles need at least one month (depending on the hybrids) of chilling before being able to flower normally.
So if you are unable to give them this necessary condition, well, you are doomed. You can try and find a neighbor or a friend who has unheated sunroom or balcony that's protected from freezing but still stays quite cold like mine.
Many leaves are turning yellow on my Yellow Song and Love Memory, (Oriental Smile Fantasy is still growing)and some of them begin to show swelling of buds already. still a long wait until the flowers come, but well worth the wait.
Wish you the best!

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