Originally Posted by craigb6883
Hi I have just recently Purchased 4 denrobiums they are sak da beauty, Burana Pearl, Kim Long and Airy White when I got them 2 weeks ago they came in 9cm pots filled with Sphagnum Moss I was just wondering if this is suitable as I have been reading a few Books and Looking on the Web and it Suggests Fine - Medium bark as a potting medium for Dens ? would you recommend I buy some bark chips and repot or would they be fine if I just carry on with the sphagnum moss ?
Please lend me your expertise
Many Thanks
Hi Craig,
Potting mix really depends on your watering schedule and your growing conditions, so it's hard to give good solid advice, unfortunately

I find that bark stays dry too long in my conditions, so I use chunks of coconut - people growing outdoors in humid hot conditions with regular rain may recoil in fear at that advice - some of them grow in gravel and get spectacular results. Generally, water retention goes by the following order:
Sphag > Coconut husk > fine bark > medium bark > large bark > inorganic rock/gravel/clay
*usually* dends don't do well in sphag in most conditions, but I have one in sphag that enjoys itself, so no hard and fast rules. Just make sure you let the sphag get dry-ish in between waterings!
(Also depends on the type of dend you have and the season of course!
