These are my first earned flowers since I've been keeping orchids. Oddly enough, the story behind this plant is kind of interesting.
This was a bloomed out cane Dendrobium that I saw at one of the local home improvement stores. I didn't have a cane Den. but wanted one and I figured that maybe I could get a price break on this one. I approached the plant manager and said that since the flower had already bloomed, he would probably end up throwing it away, because who would buy an orchid without seeing the flowers, right? Well, he went for it and gave me a 10% discount (not great, but every little bit helps). I knew it had a red flower because I had seen one of the wilted blooms but I didn't figure it would bloom for at least a year. I re-potted it and a few weeks later, lo and behold, two new flower stalks started to appear. I was thoroughly delighted at that development and now that they are opening nicely, I thought I'd share.
I guess I must be doing something right!
Oh by the way, if anyone can give me any additional information on genus/species for this plant, just by looking at it, I'd appreciate any help.