Very nice flowers. Looks like your plant is mounted or basketed. That's how we grow them also. The soft light colored hair covering the pbulbs and the slightly droopy leaves make a very attractive hanging plant.
I guess you don't have to worry about excess water. For us, too much water sometimes caused pitting in the pbulbs. Doesn't happen now when plants are basketed, but the pbulbs do go in all directions (another good reason for a hanging basket).
Last edited by catwalker808; 06-23-2009 at 09:10 PM..
Awesome! Ive got a seedling of this species and am curious how you are growing yours (ie. light, water, media, etc.) Also, how big are your p-bulbs on this one? Thanks!
Ive got a seedling of this species and am curious how you are growing yours (ie. light, water, media, etc.) Also, how big are your p-bulbs on this one?
Light--medium light--2000FC
water--moist but not wet
media--CHC mix in plastic pot
pbulb size--3" tall for mine but I have seen slightly bigger one.
Nice growing. I have a plant that I nearly lost--probably from overwatering. Is it common for this plant to have black spots on the leaves? I fungicide regularly but the spots appear. Maybe I have a bad plant.