I bought this Dendrobium Norma Jackson x Den. `Pink SunShine` about a month and a half ago. When I bought it I thought it was a bit parched so I watered it quite a bit, but not over watered to cause root rot. There has been no activity with this plant at all. No visable signs of growth of any sort. The only change has been one leaf on one of the lower canes has turned a silght bit more yellow. Other than that, nothing.
I have watered and fert. it on a regular basis like my other chids. Maybe even less water.
No I am learning that these guys want to be left alone, dry and cool durning the winter. It has got none of that tough love.
Is there a chance that if I started to let it dry out and cool it down that I might se some sort of growth or even better, flower spikes?
Where my Dendro lives or Life in the East bathroom window
The whole plant
The yellowing leaf
Smallest cane
Some mechanical damage
It did flower at one time
The newest groth, but not durning my watch
So, suggetions, comments. Help me get this dude going again!