I think it depends on the amount of heat that you have. They can take heat in the day but need that drop down at night. Here in Santa Maria I get summer highs into the high 70s generally and low 80s often. The plants are hanging in the branches of trees that are deciduous during winter. I mitigate the impact of the heat and the very drying winds by misting often during each day. In their normal habitat they can get soaked but they experience very high winds that tend to dry out the surface of the media though many occur in fog forests in Borneo in which the air is saturated with humidity. Let its growth form guide you. If you are growing in a terraria then a good bank of fans to create a stiff breeze that you activate after a good rain on the plant. Blow off the water off the leaves and pseudobulbs and then lower the air speed so the humidity can rise some. Monitor the heat. For cooling at night remove the cover, move the tank to the coolest spot in the house, whatever. You will never know until you give it a whirl if you can succeed. Just modify your environment for the plant.
Looking for a misting system? Look no further. Automated misting systems from MistKing are used by multitude of plant enthusiasts and are perfect for Orchids. Systems feature run dry pumps, ZipDrip valve, adjustable black nozzles, per second control! Automatically mist one growing shelf or a greenhouse full of Orchids.
Hey T_man,
"Hollow are the Ori!
You mean Orchids?
What? This ain't SG-1?"
Don't usually watch SG-1 myself, though a buddy of mine does. But are you sure it isn't "hallow" instead of "hollow"? ["hallow" = holy, sacred, revered]
Hey T_man,
"Hollow are the Ori!
You mean Orchids?
What? This ain't SG-1?"
Don't usually watch SG-1 myself, though a buddy of mine does. But are you sure it isn't "hallow" instead of "hollow"? ["hallow" = holy, sacred, revered]