Thanks Ladies I love the color as well. The plant appears to be in good condition. I have another Den. in S/H medium similar to this new one and it is doing well and putting out another baby. I plan on repotting it in the morning into the S/H medium.
Thanks Wanda it is cute isn't it? We seldom get any different varieties of orchids at our BB stores mostly Phals. so when I see something different Look Out!
Hey Sheridan nice Den! Even nicer that it's a named hybrid and you got it from Lowe's. I've seen that one for sale online at a couple of vendors, mostly in HI.
Hi Terri, I was surprised that it did have a label just hope its the right one. You almost have to go everyday to see what comes in. I guess I just went at the right time. I really love the color.
FedEx just dropped off another 'chid' good thing my hubby was napping It is already in the orchidarium and he will never know ...... I am so bad Its a Paph. Lady Booth and I will post the in that forum.
Cool! I like that one too. I had a package delivered yesterday too. DH unpacked it but missed one in the box. When I came home there were only 2 in the sink instead of 3. He had already thrown the box out so I had to go dumpster diving to rescue it!